Is your business in the A/E/C, Medical or Legal industry and have less than 100 users? Would you like to eliminate IT worries so that you can focus ALL of your attention on running your business? You’d probably like to lower your running costs too, wouldn’t you? If this sounds like you, it’s time to talk to Blue Arch.

A typical Blue Arch client is:

  • Located in Beaverton, Tigard, Tualatin, Hillsboro or anywhere else in the Portland Metro Area.
  • A small or medium-sized company with 5 to 75 work stations.
  • In the construction industry and using programs including Viewpoint, HeavyBid, HCSS, Smartbid, or Foundation Software.
  • Reliant on the Internet and email, and dependent on a secure network.
  • Looking for a technology partner AND someone who can demonstrate how profitability and productivity can be increased through better IT.
  • Willing to invest in technology as a means of enhancing communications and simplifying business processes.

If any of the above points strike a chord with you, get in touch with us today and tell us how we can help your business increase your bottom line through superior IT, network and telephony solutions.

Talk to us today